Friday, November 2, 2007

THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 2006 09:29 PM, CDT
I have colon cancer. I am 47 years old. Isn't this an old people disease?

There is a song in the making about this mass that has been growing in my ass (with the help of Dugan). I will sing it at a party, celebrating the obliteration of this growth. It is like an alien that has been hibernating. It is ugly and I want it!

My hope is that I will be dancing on tables very soon. I want to live a life full of new enthusiasm and great appreciation of every new day.

Today is a good day. I am tired...but I do not have pain. Yesterday I learned that an unpleasant discharge I have been experiencing is my tumor dying.

I was also told that I have a very difficult road ahead of me these next upcoming weeks. I am undergoing the most aggresive treatment they have to offer. I have many days of extensive pain and irritation to look forward to. Possible hospitalization before my next chemo infusion. I am scared.

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